Monday, January 13, 2014

14 JAN 2014 - 24 FEB 2014

Please take note :  if a person get kicked  from DRAGONZ the name will not be shown in this list 

  1. RageTidus
  2. YuNa88
  3. RazerSnipe 
  4. RageDgn
  5. iDevLuke
  6. NegroSanto
  7. ZeLancelot
  8. EpiicAxe
  9. SuckItMiss
  10. Leontina
  11. sToneAsh77
  12. IChicoSkyI
  13. drasi
  14. PlasticCan
  15. herbow
  16. ReokiaSan
  17. httpRyLe
  18. XemnasJ
  19. Leon9620
  20. Gesski
  21. Sanarasan
  22. yhuRinMaro
  23. GoatSlayer
  24. SuckItBtch
  25. SylphidX
  26. Beatlez19
  27. lLauriell
  28. ammeloticz
  29. Jysnty
  30. PorkHamm
  31. Mechazix
  32. JolinYing
  33. ShinruHC
  34. xXMayceeXx
  35. greatmunk
  36. SmashGear
  37. herbows
  38. Ace636
  39. ZAbdiel12
  40. Karaczan
  41. HaTTreD
  42. Sven1BLAD3
  43. ZACCEL
  44. Whit3DaNc3
  45. JudgementJ
  46. Berinon
  47. Delta10
  48. lrisMakina
  49. Babyjhong
  50. KillerBeth
  51. MsEninaj
  52. Maeya0810
  53. 4O498
  54. cHinTamano
  55. arkcha
  56. xChugugz
  57. Athessa
  58. halfdough
  59. RECCAX
  60. bAcKsHiFt
  61. Alpopl0
  62. kurus301
  63. CutielLa7
  64. MePhIsT0h
  65. Velfare
  66. KingLeejon
  67. Umzakahar
  68. MrsAzurin
  69. oLLoPoPY
  70. Lhynnnnn
  71. FlamexSoul
  72. 0oholyo0
  73. zZWINSZz
  74. Alchetast
  75. RykkiaJr
  76. RynLynXyn
  77. Leonhile
  78. binbinon
  79. EzraelBot
  80. KyShadarac
  81. WaRkOriE
  82. aLxAlanJ
  83. Kalifuji03
  84. l3randish
  85. CrazyStand
  86. MiozuShin
  87. Kyutomakko
  88. StarLit3
  90. SoftDough
  91. icydhice
  92. oChaosIXo
  93. BOSSpaSiDE
  94. ButtoSaiz
  95. Vakubex120
  96. MrKangGary
  97. FreeBomB
  98. GoatKiller
  99. SiegeSlam
  100. lbeoWulfl
  101. ApocaIypes
  102. MysteryMss
  103. Hikari130
  104. v3xfury9
  105. MrHerbox
  106. smyleelyms
  107. Bazinga
  108. JoyCaster
  109. MillerII
  110. GlidEApeX
  111. Arzonaut
  112. lRagnhild
  113. herbhe
  114. xXxBoltBoy
  115. Danothers
  116. jaena0810
  117. BATmaN30
  118. XLR8VXXI
  119. Li0nXHeart
  120. DestructAX
  121. KaiserEvan
  122. GlidZeart
  123. KuroNoSama
  124. SmashLance
  125. DvnHunter
  126. RolliTolii
  127. herbrox
  128. FullGladia
  129. AinoSeiji
  130. JaCoB04
  131. PO1Bugok
  132. TsapChuy
  133. S3ighart
  134. 2014New
  135. TriBlaze2x
  136. IMxmJx
  137. Arweynn
  138. Arexirath
  139. zNightSkyz
  140. JoMariexD
  141. ShotCore
  142. Doopz17
  143. Luziano
  144. bossAKOEv2
  145. PopeJakE
  146. oOneLazy
  147. KiseMaru
  148. Jahzeline
  149. Obligated
  150. Velfare
  151. lTashiGil
  152. HiT2ShOcK
  153. MhieHide
  154. cOmPaQ013
  155. iMbataClEs
  156. JeDexter
  157. Od3n
  158. KazuyoTume
  159. Flamredto
  160. Hamroku
  161. KuroNoSama
  162. Xiyu
  163. PinkGumZ
  164. LadyFionne
  165. xRefix
  166. Xaiyaia
  167. N4GiveNest
  168. RECCAXv2
  169. Hovard
  170. azywerksjr
  171. MAXimuzIOI
  172. Celsius
  173. lKishoMaru
  174. Clynlkz
  175. XxdLaReJxX
  176. nyatan
  177. OoPSLaNGaW
  178. DoFDuke
  179. lCoNtRoLl
  180. razormen
  181. FaCEoff99
  182. xChaosQwyn
  183. ChardenDPG
  184. ErinStrife
  185. Yorkzkie
  186. Phifice
  187. newhero95
  188. LyfaXsugu
  189. Aziatie
  190. Jahzeline
  191. glenhaze
  192. FronTPoweR
  193. InSpeCta
  194. oOlezahOo
  195. ewOks99
  196. Miffi
  197. Arashie
  198. BarbraIan
  199. JaySikaT26
  200. Psycho1002                          
  201. ChihuaWA
  203. Nymphooooo
  204. Mitchican1
  205. BarSoe
  206. pallybox
  207. Pwnedz
  208. dshane02
  209. BoBoQQ
  210. MisTKiD
  211. xYumm
  212. mike0810
  213. GQdofGQds
  214. GleizeL
  215. MrsRee
  216. lKishoMaru
  217. GleizeL
  218. CHikuzi
  219. BeyonDeath
  220. xDipTruthx
  221. MisTKiD
  222. QueenLoLas
  223. BabyKhickz
  224. LadyLeyna
  226. Boahon99
  227. lPrimAzure
  228. ZhEr0wHan
  229. SpiCross
  230. hebrooks




Thursday, January 2, 2014

Guild War (PVP) Guide


Hi guys! Its AcroNeoEX here with the Guild War Guide! It has come to my attention that not many people in our guild know how to play Guild War in PVP and there happens not to be a single guide on how to play this particular mode in PVP (Want to prove me wrong? Go ahead). Thus I will be the first to enlighten you guys with this guide, so sit down my young Padawans and lets journey into how to play the Guild War (PVP) mode!

Requirements to play

  • 1 PVP room (Set the mode under Guild War please...)
  • Min.5 players on each side (Ancient and Chaos)
  • All players LVL 10+
  • That's all folks...

How to create?

Guild War Start Page

Optional Settings

  • Compensation (Allows all to start on fair ground)
  • Items (Killing someone in game drops recovery items)

Guild War Map

  •  Guild War
War Map


What are the things on the map?

  • Big BLUE and RED dots: Ancient and Chaos castle base respectively
  • Doors: Gates to the castle base
Castle Gate

  • Percentages: Amount of durability left for gates and castle base
  • White Flags: Uncaptured Outposts
  • Red/Blue & White Flags: Outposts in the middle of being captured by Chaos or Ancient team respectively.
  • Red/Blue Flags: Outpost held by Chaos And Ancient Team


Game Start!!!

The game starts around 3 seconds after all players in the map have finished loading. The time left would be 32:00. The Team Leader (marked by the crown beside name) would have 2 min to add Guild War skills. How does one access the Guild War skills? Press the skill button and then click the Guild War Skills tab at the left hand side of the page.
Guild War Skills Page

The Team Leader can only use 8 skills. Activation of skills would be under F1-F8 only for the guild leader.


The specifics of this special skills would be listed in further posts. The Guild War would start at 30:00 and the Team Leader cannot choose any more skills.


What am I supposed to do now?

You have now 30 min to take over the opposing team's base (not recommended for less than 10 people in team) or get a higher score then the opposing team. How does one get points? By defeating opponents and occupying outposts!


How do I take over outposts?

Outposts are taken over when you approach it and click it when a torch sign appears at your crosshairs. It would leave you vulnerable to attacks when taking over but you can cancel by moving.



This guide is created by me DragonNestEX and pictures are by RageTidus!


Check out this video by RageTidus for a full view of Guild War Mode in PVP!